
Regular features with different members of the team...

July 25 2010

Quote of the week:
"If we do race I hope they die" - Wayne Cafe on the foggy first Winter Classic race.  Grif cleaned up, Timbo was on his heels in the second run but a choice of using GS skis in the first did not pay off.  Other boys were solid too...Except for Jimbo beating most of them...  To be fair Wayne was talking about dye, although it didn't sound like it at the time.

Nils Coberger's 'Just a Tip'
Weekly ski tip from the pro
"Soft release:  This week's tip comes with the news that the Cardrona GS, the first FIS race of the year for the boys (and for the FIS calendar worldwide!) is on the flat racehill.  Ski racing has no gas pedal.  Our only tool for acceleration is gravity.  If you pressure across the hill, or make a mistake and slow down, you can't gain that speed you just had again - especially on a flat hill.  So be sure to use a soft release; relax your legs and absorb after the apex of the turn, so you can carry your speed into the next turn."

Andrew Wylie's 'Blather Boy'
Wy-dog shares his Chuck Bass-esque style for the benefit of any young man
"'I was going to go out but they weren't hot enough.'  Know your standards and stick to them...if there's nobody who meets them then pass up the offer..."

Ben Griffin's 'Physically Freaky!'
Grif is a physical freak...and we're all jealous.  His training tips are worth listening to...if you want to be a freak too
If it doesn't hurt you're not working hard enough.  Of course, you have to be doing the right thing with the right technique.  But in general pain is your's the exercise principle of overload - progressively increase the frequency, intensity and time of your workouts in order to keep improving.  If you do the same you'll stay the same.  Push yourself beyond your limits"

Prebble Brothers' 'Hint of Ginger'
Tips on surviving as a ginga in the modern sporting world
"Orange was the colour to be a few weeks ago...Netherlands central.  They got cocky though...know your limits.  Gingas are not welcome in Spain."

Tim Cafe's 'Take it Deep'
The team philosopher takes a deeper look at life
Sometimes I have been quite sceptical as to the value of goal setting.  It is true that by keeping the overall goal in mind and finding your own balance you can still strive toward being your best.  However this week I have had a consultation with a very good friend of mine, a sports psychologist who was once also a racer.  We discussed the merits of goal setting in relation to motivation.  Sometimes setting measurable and realistic process goals is critical to achieving your outcome goals.  For example, I struggled last Friday on our 5th day of training, mainly because I was exhausted.  I told her I needed to do more recovery, and would do more.  But she suggested I come to a number of recover sessions a week, so that it is simply another box I can check in the day, in order to move toward the outcome - sometimes big picture thinking is a bit overwhelming, and the mechanics are more important."

July 10 2010

Quote of the Week: 
"Just put over 100,000 liters of water into Race Arena.  Tune your skis boys!" - Nils, via mass text.

Nils Coberger's 'Just a Tip'
Weekly ski tip from the pro
"Weight shifting - we put 100,000+ liters into Race Arena at Rocky Gully last week...what better time to talk about finding the outside ski?  After you engage your knees & ankles and inclinate into the turn, a transfer of weight to the outside ski is actioned.  How much weight you need on the outside ski depends on how quickly you need to turn, how icy the snow is and how steep the slope is.  On the Big Easy 50/50 weight balance is acceptable, but on the pitch at Race Arena more like 80/20 to the outside is needed.  If you're crazy enough to ever do the Hahnenkamm Downhill in Kitzbuhel, you had better be 100/0 on the sidehill, otherwise you'll be in the nets."

Andrew Wylie's 'Blather Boy'
Wy-dog shares his Chuck Bass-esque style for the benefit of any young man
"'Yeah, we're together, but she's not my girlfriend.'...have a bit of fun sometimes but keep it cool.  That's what I do."

Ben Griffin's 'Physically Freaky!'
Grif is a physical freak...and we're all jealous.  His training tips are worth listening to...if you want to be a freak too
"Pre-habilitate.  You can be as strong and as cardiovascularly fit as you like, but that won't make you indestructible, particularly if you neglect stretching, core and small muscle strengthening.  The team has had biomechanical assessments from Olympic Team physio Ginny Rutledge this week.  She has identified lots of different things we need to start focusing on.  Quad and hamstring flexibility, hamstring strength in proportion to quad strength (skiers are notoriously bad for both of those), knee stability, hamstring quickness and core strength are all areas which need fine-tuning.  Skiers are highly susceptible to ACL ruptures or Patella Tendinitis.  These areas will help prevent you from contributing to the growing injury stats."

Prebble Brothers' 'Hint of Ginger'
Tips on surviving as a ginga in the modern sporting world
"Gingers rule.
Just for the record, Crowd Goes Wild agrees:
"I see red."

Tim Cafe's 'Take it Deep'
The team philosopher takes a deeper look at life
Let the problems of the past be just that - problems of the past.  They shouldn't distract you from being able to act confidently and precisely in the now.  Don't get me wrong - we need to learn from the past, otherwise we'd be nothing more than primitive animals.  But overthinking things and letting emotions and frustrations distract you from your task at hand is unproductive.  At training this week some of the younger boys had a few tough runs and their frustration was expressed in their turns - they were unable to focus.  Once they figured out how to relax and focus on whatever their technical/tactical cue was, rather than 'losing their head' to their emotions they were able to return to the skiing we were looking for.
Personally, I have a few gremlins in the past and plenty of adversity which is continuing to rear its ugly head.  But that's not going to distract me from focusing on my skiing."

June 28-July 4 2010

Quote of the Week:  "I'll get you next year Benny Grif" - Tim Cafe whilst benching in a tuxedo.

Nils Coberger's 'Just a Tip'
Weekly ski tip from the pro

"Alignment is the subject of the week.  We have been working in a course with some of the staff members from Browns Ski Shop.  Amongst other things, we discussed the importance of remaining 'skeletally aligned'.  In the old days racers used to keep their upper body facing down the hill and lead with their inside hip.  Nowadays we want the body to match the direction of the skis.  Drive the hips forward along the length of the skis"

Andrew Wylie's 'Blather Boy'
Wy-dog shares his Chuck Bass-esque style for the benefit of any young man
"So little time so many girls.  Perfection is something we rarely see these days."  Open to interpretation...legendary ladies' man James Arnott once said; 'lower your standards to improve your average.'

Ben Griffin's 'Physically Freaky!'
Grif is a physical freak...and we're all jealous.  His training tips are worth listening to...if you want to be a freak too
Don't forget to eat during training sessions. Once we train longer than an hour or so, our blood glucose drops and our bodies have to compensate through using muscle and liver glycogen, which means we aren't able to train as effectively. Stay hydrated with an isotonic sports drink and keep fuelled with snacks like fruit, nuts, granola and energy bars."

Prebble Brothers' 'Hint of Ginger'
Tips on surviving as a ginga in the modern sporting world
"Slip slop slap
We have to be careful as gingas.  As a result of horrible pollution in other areas of the world New Zealand ski resorts are under the hole in the ozone layer (no fair!).  Skin cancer is a real danger in today's world, and just because it's cold doesn't mean you aren't being burnt.  In reality quite often the snow can reflect and intensify the sun's rays.  Cover up with sunblock!"

Tim Cafe's 'Take it Deep'
The team philosopher takes a deeper look at life
"Warm it up before you go for it.
We talked this week about the importance of taking the first few runs of a training day at about 80%, particularly in an off-season training block.  That way you can work on fundamental technique without being too focused on the gates.  This extends into other things too.  Don't ever get caught up in rushing into things gung-ho.  A steeper learning curve can be achieved by working into things."


June 21-27 2010

Quote of the Week:  'Hiányzol'
"We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill

Nils Coberger's 'Just a Tip'
Weekly ski tip from the pro
"Forward, then in.  These are the 2 basic moves in skiing.  But the order is important - first forward, then in.  And if we get technical, while moving in keep moving forward!  It's pretty hard to be too far forward, but very easy to be too far back."

Andrew Wylie's 'Blather Boy'
Wy-dog shares his Chuck Bass-esque style for the benefit of any young man

"When in doubt, bicep curls.  Let's face it; girls love the guns.  And like I always say - beach body is the only type of body."

Ben Griffin's 'Physically Freaky!'
Grif is a physical freak...and we're all jealous.  His training tips are worth listening to...if you want to be a freak too
"It's not what we're lifting, it's how we're lifting.  Technique is critical - if you have the proper technique you minimise the risk of injury and maximise benefits.  Check out the videos of power cleans this week - Wylie has been working on his technique but has a way to go.  Proper technique will stop him from wobbling around, and in the end maximise what he is able to lift!  So please, first timers, take that weight down and pick that technique up."

Prebble Brothers' 'Hint of Ginger'
Tips on surviving as a ginga in the modern sporting world

"Be proud of your gingerness!  Standing out is better than fitting in.  Sometimes the point of difference is enough to scare your competitors, or get girl attention.  Nick went black last year but has returned to the ginger side, never to look back."

Tim Cafe's 'Take it Deep'
The team philosopher takes a deeper look at life

"Make the most of every situation.  This goes for both sport and life.  It sounds idiotically simple, but take a step back and think about what decisions you make and how you can maximise every situation.  As racers we have to make the most of every turn.  It's no use skiing down the hill on autopilot, even if the snow reeks of Mount Buller and the weather tastes like Ruapehu.  You can still learn something!  Not to mention, you might have to race in these conditions."